Many different kinds of sea shells scattered on the beach turned out to be processed into a variety of beautiful suvernir. Economic value too high, even as far as the overseas marketing. In the fishing village in Desa Tasik Apex Court, Central Java, this is the handicrafts made from sea shells easily found.
Is Suryadi, one artisan ornaments made from sea shells that have been seventeen years to pursue this craft. Created beautiful holiday decorations, a photo frame, sculpture and various other decoration.
Suvernir making process is quite easy. To make it, it takes only an abundance of shells on the beach, plywood, and wood glue. Making crafts was started by smearing glue gets to be attached mussels. Furthermore, mussels attached to the pattern that has been planned. The fruit is hand made from shells sold for three thousand dollars, to seventy thousand dollars.
"For marketing itself is Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Kudus, Pati also exported to overseas. The price was very bervareasi from one thousand to seventy-five thousand", Said Suryadi craftsmen suvernir this sea shells. Besides sold in several shanties in Rembang, Central Java, in the hands Suryadi suvernir also been exported to the United States