Waste bone chicken and wild duck turned out to be a souvenir of high artistic value in the form of decorative frame, miniature tricycles and Harley Davidson. Uniquely, this creativity in doing by a craftsman who experience disability.
Disability do not have to make people stop to work. Revelation mind mulyono (35 years) or usually called Budi Doan for example, despite having a physical disability, but the work of skilled hands are very beautiful and attracted many people.
Address at Jalan Budi Guyangan Petanahan, Hamlet stake, RT 01/RW 03, Village District Adimulyo Adimulyo, Kebumen, Central Java bone utilizing the remnants of poultry such as chickens and enthok to be made in the beautiful wall hangings and other souvenirs. His work in the form of frames, miniature tricycles and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Son of the fifth of six children the couple Sukirman (75 Years) and Kasmini (66 Years) of this disability since childhood, the body with difficulty bicar and hand shaking. But his disability did not become a barrier to continue working and trying.
At first, the chicken bones and enthok useless in gather from soto stalls and restaurants. Time the bones of those he asked without purchased or free. Subsequently, the bones are cleaned by the inclusion into the pond for one week.
Once clean, the bones removed and then dried in the sun to dry. Usually takes three days. Furthermore, these bone Scrub with sandpaper.
The next process is to assemble the bones to form the desired souvenirs. Uniquely, the bones are left intact and not cut at all, except to adjust to the structural form of souvenirs.
According to Budi, bone chicken and wild duck bones are easy to make because the posture has a unique texture. Chicken bone shape and there is a crooked enthok hinga straight. Posture bone like it's pretty easy to combined-combine.The process of making a fruit garnish souvenir takes about two weeks to a month. It depends on the level of difficulty and raw materials. A miniature motor for example, can spend three to four chickens or wild duck