Eceng gondok (E
Water hyacinth has a high growth rate so that the plant is considered a weed that can damage the aquatic environment. Water hyacinth can spread easily through the water channel to the other water bodies. Lately the development of aquatic plants, water hyacinth in the waters of rivers, lakes, down to the brackish waters very rapidly. Overview of water hyacinth plants are useless. For the communities around the edge of the river, water hyacinth is a plant parasite that just pollute the river and can cause rivers to overflow due to clogged or too much water hyacinth. Similarly, for the communities around the periphery of the lake who thinks that a lot of water hyacinth is penggau didanau that hinder their activities on the lake.
This fact can make the water hyacinth plant is considered as penggangu, but if we are keen to seek opportunities, the water hyacinth plants are very useful for providing business opportunities as a basic craft materials (handy craft.) Along with the development of science and technology, water hyacinth plant parts after drying it can be used as raw material for making a beautiful lady handbags, suitcases, sandals, baskets (the place used clothing), coasters, mats, trays and so forth. In fact recently been used to support the furniture industry den furniture, rattan instead that cost more and soar.
Until now many areas are able to develop an enchanting water hyacinth handicrafts to manufacture craft items, furniture den furniture. Among others in Purbalingga, Dl Yogyakarta, around the city of Solo, Cirebon, Lampung, Surabaya and Bali. Even some craft items and models of water hyacinth with certain qualities, many are exported to Europe and the United States are increasingly enamored with the production of goods from natural materials (back to nature).
Making handicraft from water hyacinth material is required a fairly long process. Water hyacinth should be dried in advance about two weeks. After the dried water hyacinth braid formed long ago by citizens and groups of artisans. After a long braid-shaped, water-hyacinth is woven into the desired goods. Ranging from flower pots, garbage cans, tissue boxes, bags, hats, perlengakapan kitchen to furniture. To further improve the attractiveness of the buyer, the webbing is ditambahakan paint varnish. So, it looks more shiny and attractive.
Average crafts are sold in the market with prices ranging from Rp 15 thousand to 5 million. Depending on the size and level of difficulty woven goods.
Here are the steps in the manufacture of handicraft works with water hyacinth material:
Collection of water hyacinth
Separation of the base of the stalk
Drying the base of the stalk
Formation / weaving finished works of art (Tas, wall hangings, purses, chairs etc.)