CRAFT OF MANGO LEAVES(Making Crafts objects from organic waste material)
Waste or waste materials being dumped into trash that seemed useless, even if left unchecked will continue to grow in line with the number of people who throw garbage. As a result, settlement becomes less comfortable, many diseases arise, and the mounting trash can clog water channels, causing flooding pembuanyan. Each year the problem of waste continues to grow. Various attempts were made to reduce landfill waste that more and more difficult to destroy waste by bacteria in the soil. The role of the human hand to reduce landfill waste, speeding up waste decomposition becomes very urgent.Scavengers have a role to reduce landfill waste. More humane when people have an awareness of how to dispose of garbage properly. Thus allowing pemngelolaan waste / waste more easily. Waste processing machinery is necessary to reduce the pile of garbage. Habits of the community dispose of waste without waste classifications for easier processing is still very low. In response to this government to promote the movement 3 R (Using that still can be used again / Re Use, Recycle that can be recycled / Re Cycle, And to save energy and destroy the source of waste that can not be used and recycled for rapid bacteria can be described decomposers in the soil / Re Duce). Of course the government declared the need to be added again that utilize the waste for other uses that are more useful and bring in economic value than a Reuse or Re Cycle, for example using waste materials to produce a creative and unique.Using waste as a raw material of creative and unique objects is not easy, but more is needed is perseverance and patience. Knowledge of waste characteristics are very important. Utilization of organic waste and wastewater unorganik have different ways. Organic waste or waste that can be broken down by bacteria in the soil in the not too long. Organic waste a lot of that comes from the direct nature eg leaves, wood, and others. Unorganik waste is waste that is generally not a natural product that the manufacturer uses high-tech processing and use of chemicals that are difficult broken down by bacteria in the soil. Organic waste in a small volume will not be too worried, but if large numbers require attention. Waste unorganik deserve greater attention. This is where the role of creative people for the waste that was useless and interfere with the comforts of life turned into a valuable art goods and making life comfortable.A little knowledge of art is required to treat waste in order to become a valuable work. Knowledge of art is not limited to art education dibangku school but also from the appreciation of art that have been there before. To be a creative person needs to have a curious nature and want to try that high, so as to generate ideas that are always different from the previous
Fine ArtsPure art / fine art is a work of art created as a medium for artistic expression of artists taste maker. As a medium of art expression is not purely related to the function or utility work that will be / have been created or it can be said that pure art has a wide degree of freedom of expression both of the art ideas, techniques and materials to be used. The idea of pure art does not always resemble a specific figure but also often without any clear figures. Works of fine art which reveal a specific figure called figurative art, while the pure art that does not resemble a specific figure called a non-figurative art (abstract).
Applied art: works of art can be applied or worn / used. In other words, applied art in question is art that has a specific function. Applied art includes all works of art that have a function / particular usefulness in human life like the example above. Art craft: including works of applied art, because almost all the work of craft art has a specific purpose or value can be applied in human life. Another term of art is craft art craft.Kriya = handwork or handicraft (handy craft.) Art craft art is created by requiring the ability kekriyaan (craftmanship). Kekriyaan ability is the expertise, skill and high skill in carpentry / craftsmen. This title has a broader understanding of art than craft.Art craft of fine art in the form of goods by emphasizing craft, neatness, accuracy, and bemilai art. Art craft art craft art is a branch of producing most of the disposable goods. The work of art and crafts by material manufacturing techniques are distinguished including the following:1. Wood Craft:a. Materials: wood, rattan, bamboob. Technique: Technique work bench / manual, carving / sculpture, scrolls, lathe, woven, machine work techniques, and CNC (Computer Numerically Controll)b. Products: Mebelair, Relief, toys, housewares, souvenirs, and others.2. Metal craft:a. Material: gold, silver, copper, aluminum, bronze, iron, zinc, brass, and others.b. Technique: Technique cut bending, welding, hard solder, soft solder, carve, cast / print, etching, lathe, CNC.c. Products: jewelry, household tools, carpentry tools, alat-alat/bahan buildings, and so forth.3. Leather Crafta. Materials: Leather Raw, tersamak leather, synthetic leather, and bark of the tree or from a part that requires treatment such as skin eg banana bark, stem nut, and leaves.b. Technique: Cut and paste, and masinal manual sewing, weaving, emboss, chisel, etc.c. Products: mebelair goods, building supplies, household tools, souvemir, etc..4. Weaving Crafts / textiles:a. Materials: fabric, yarn, and natural materials that require treatment, such as fabric or yarn.b. Technique: sewing techniques, batik, screen printing, macramé, weaving, knitting, embroidery, embroidery, Smock and othersc. Products: Woven fabrics, tablecloths, scarves, bags, shirts, gloves, etc.5. Clay soil Crafts (ceramics):a. Materials: clay, dye, glazuur.b. Technique: massage, helical / coil, Slab / plate, printing press, print cast, turn the manual and machinec. Products: household tools, building materials, pottery, souvenirs, etc.,
From the description above can be concluded utilization of mango leaves as craft materials including leather group. Here's how to use organic waste is one of mango leaves.
Materials and Tools Handicrafts Mango leaves
Mango leavesWe recommend choosing mango leaves that fell on the ground, ranging from the yellow to brown completely dry. Leaf size is adjusted to your needs. The leaves are still green can also be used, just takes more time when boiling (because in it there are many substances ternyimpan green leaves). Should be left until the first brown leaves.
StoveUsed to cook or boil the dried leaves that have been selected and is ready to be processed.
Basin / bucket plastilkUsed as a container for merendarn dead leaves on time and permutihan pernbersihan.
PotWe recommend that you choose is made of stainless steel (stainless steel) or iron pan coated with paint. Pan made of aluminum will be eroded by the caustic soda solution at the time of ripening.
Water scoopToiletries are used to measure the amount of water needed and as a comparison with the chemical to be mixed.
The mixer / tablespoonAside from being a stirrer, was also used to measure the chemicals (like chlorine and caustic soda when dissolved in water). Use a spoon made of stainless steel (stainless steel).
Sewing EquipmentSewing machine, thread, and scissors that are not absolutely have to tailor menggunakanjasa outside.
Stationery and rulerUsed to measure the sheet leaves and form a pattern. Will be done.
BrushUsed to apply white glue, resin, varnish, and for leaf coloring sheets that will be established pattern. Easily purchased in bookstores and shops of building materials. Have some brush for each material and color. Use a paint brush to apply white glue no.12.
IronUsed to straighten a curved or curled leaves when the leaves dry out (after aerated). Serves also to tighten every connection strands dalarn leaf sheet form.
Hot glue / gunUsed to glue the patterns that the process is using glue. There are several brands with a very affordable price range between Rp 5,000 s / d Rp7.000. Hot glue can be obtained at building material stores, bookstores, electrical goods shops, and supermarkets.
BrushUsed to clean the white glue stick to the field that was used as the base sheet when gluing the leaves. For example on the floor, leaves, glass, and plywood.
Tang chicken eyeUsed to make eye holes and put the chicken on a craft that will be hung or given the hook (like a mirror hanging). This tool can be purchased at a sewing shop.
Tang claspUsed to clamp the wire in the manufacture of craft items that require a wire, such as the manufacture of artificial stems.
DurationUsed for making patterns, round or half-spheres.
Clean waterUsed to clean up dirty leaves, dissolving chemicals, cooking, pernbersihan residual chemicals, and wash equipment after use.
Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)This chemical is used to cook the leaves that will be used. Bisadibeli caustic soda in the chemical store and several shops of building materials are sold in units of kilograms. Choose the form of flakes of solid white.
ChlorineUsed to whiten the leaves after cooking. Chlorine in the form of fine white powder, sold in units of kilograms and can be purchased at the store chemicals.
HypochloritLiquid bleach is sold in units of kilograms, sold in stores kimia.Larutan colored translucent material is used to bleach the leaves. Sold in units
ResinViscous fluid is used to harden the leaves and give the impression of plastic. Available in store chemicals, select the color clear and good quality. When buying resins have the following catalyst is sold separately. In addition to store chemicals, resins including catalyst can be obtained in some building materials stores, usually packaged in a bottle.
VernishThe liquid coating to give the impression of a glossy on the final result. Available at building material stores. Should select a good quality varnish.
DyeIf you want a multicolored leaves, some kind of dye you can choose. Such as color posters, wantex (cloth dyes), paint stencil and spray paint cans.
ThinnerMany are available at paint stores and building materials. This fluid is used to thin the varnish if it is too thick, wash the affected hand Was and resins, as well as cleaning patches spray paint that contaminates the wall or floor.
Buttons stickingUsed as a cover in the manufacture of wallets and handbags. Readily available in the sewing shop and some bookstores.
Leaves zippersReadily available in the sewing shop and grocery store bags, can be purchased in units of meters. Use leaves for pernbuatan bag zippers no.5. Remember, buy a zipper head with the same size with leaf zipper.
TrinketsVariety trinkets easily available in stores and some bookstores perlengkapanjahit. Mix and match knick-knacks, which according to the works made.
MirrorReadily available in the store building materials and glass shops. To form a round, before buying you should first make a pattern on a sheet of heavy paper, and scissors in accordance with the desired size.
Ring strap bagLots sold in the store bag material supplies and some sewing supply stores. Available forms of metals and plastics, used for connecting the main parts bags with straps or pegangat! bag.
NearsightedThe form of spheres of various sizes, made of logarn copper, brass, aluminum, and iron. Easily obtained in almost all sewing supplies store.
Foam atiThis material is widely used as a base of sandals and shoes, can also be used as a layer in the bag. Can be purchased at the store equipment bags, shoes, and some sewing supplies shop in units of the sheet.
Plastic micaUsed as an outer layer of bags, especially in tailoring pernbuatan way behind, in order to prevent damage. Mika may be purchased at the store plastic.
Cooking / BoilingOld mango leaves scattered, let alone that it is completely dry can not be established because it is easily torn and brittle bones in the middle leaves. In order to be formed, should be cooked with the help of some chemicals (to remove the remaining leaf green substance). The steps are as follows:1. Enter some scoop water into a saucepan, add soda ash. Each one scoop of water, put two tablespoons of caustic soda.2. Stir using a spoon for a while, and then enter the collection of dry leaves. Enter the leaves with bent way pans to follow the shape of leaves contain more.3. Cook on stove with medium flame. Boiling water slowly change color to brown. Drowned leaves that float wearing a spoon. Cook until boiling water while occasionally drown the leaves are not submerged. Work carefully to avoid leaf torn.4. Remove the pan after the leaves wilt and change color to dark brown. Allow stew to cool the leaves.Basic executionBefore creating the desired pattern, a few basic steps that must be done as follows.1. Boil the leaves with a solution of caustic soda, lift, and allow to cool2. Soak in clean water and soak again in a chlorine solution.3. Rinse and dirt that linger or powder chlorine attached to the leaf.4. Soak in a solution hypochlorit berwarnaputih sompai net.5. Soak in clean water to remove laruton hypochlorit on leaves. The wind-wind to dry.6. Arrange the leaves form a sheet as needed
BleachingThere are three chemicals used in bleaching, you can either select one or all three. The steps are as follows.1. Discard the cooking water decoction of the leaves.2. Prepare clean water in a bowl or bucket.3. Enter the sheet leaves into a bucket containing clean water. Let stand for 30-60 minutes for cairan.bekas stew that feels slippery to the leaves with clean water soluble.4. Discard soaking water a brown color, repeat once more. If necessary, soak it thoroughly because the cleaner will speed up the course of bleaching.5. Prepare a container of clean water, add chlorine powder. The comparison, every 2 scoop water plus 1 tablespoon powdered chlorine. Stir until dissolved.6. Insert the leaf into a chlorine solution until completely submerged. The duration of bleaching 6-12h.From the immersion of chlorine can be directly next to the stage cleared for drying or soaked in the solution to other pernutih (H 2 0 2 or hypochlorit). 2-10jam long immersion.Each bleaching results from the third bleach as follows.• chlorine, resulting in white color with brown to white middle bone-colored leaves still brown to white.• H2O2 solution was changed to yellow-white bone including the middle leaves.• From hypochlorit chlorine to produce pure white color.Bleaching can be done directly with hypochlorit or H2O2 but chlorine should be given in advance to save on the use of liquid bleach. Here's the comparison:Water and hypochlorit: 4-6: 1Water and H2O2: 4-6: 1It should be noted, when soaked with chlorine powder should clean up first before it soaked into another bleach. Results from the use of more than one bleach is more limp leaves. For the record, I'll just use satu._pemutih only, namely chlorine powder.
Basic execution
Stages in the manufacture of handicrafts, from mango leaves as follows.Leaf Collection
The things that must be considered as follows:1. Only use the leaves that fall on the ground.2. Choose leaves that are completely dry, marked with yellow to dark brown color.3. Choose leaves that are still good, not torn, or perforated in the center and suburbs.4. Collect leaves as many as you need.
Initial CleaningThe leaves are collected should not be directly processed, clear advance in the following way.1. Separate the leaves into two parts, a clean and dirty.2. Soak the leaf collection dirty in a bucket of clean water for a while dirt is easily cleaned.3. Clean sheets soiled from the ground leaves and black spots inherent wear thumb. Cleansing is important because when the bleaching stage, the stains will be obvious and more difficult to clean.4. After cleaning, the leaves can be cooked immediately or cut to remove the middle bone of leaves. This step depends on the goods to be made.
Final CleaningAfter soaking with a solution of chlorine, the leaves should be cleaned once again for better results. Black spots were missed in the cleanup before boiling will be seen. The steps are as follows.1. Prepare two containers of clean water.2. Take a leaf blade of chlorine marinade, dip into one container of clean water to remove chlorine powder is attached.3. Enter into the next container of clean water while cleaning the black stains and chlorine powder that is still attached to all parts of mango leaves by using thumb and forefinger. Do not feel the leaf blade until smooth, being careful not to tear the leaf.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 in all the leaf blade.5. Cleaning or rather soaking with clean water should also be done after pernutihan use liquid bleach. How, enter the leaf blade by blade into the water, diarnkan some time about 5-10 minutes for a chemical liquid attached to dissolve, then discard the water.
DryingDrying should be aerated by here, be exposed to direct sunlight. The steps are as follows.1. Place each leaf on the surface are quite spacious and clean for about 2 hours.2. Dried leaf shape will appear curled or curved.3. Iron leaves that roll up so neatly, preferably ironed on one surface only (the top).4. Drying can be done at night so that strands of leaves
Adhesives and coatings for ForeignStrand leaves arranged and glued to each other using white glue to form sheets that can later be dipola and cut as desired. The steps are as follows.1. Select the size of the leaf blade length is the same.2. Baluri some leaf sheets with white glue paint brush mernakai no.12.3. Take a leaf and then glue them to each other.4. Do it for the next leaves to form a sheet with a uniform appearance. All the upper surface of the leaf facing you.5. Let stand until the glue sheet is completely dry.6. The iron sheet by means pressed, not rubbed, so that each connection is tight and sheets to be tidy.7. Cut out each side of the sheet to form a neat square on each rim.8. Baluri back surface of the sheet leaves the top with white glue to the sheet leaves become strong and flexible.9. Let stand until the glue sheet is completely dry and iron again (by means of pressed-press). Gazette ready dipola.
ColorationGazette leaf color bleaching results look beautiful and very unique leaf streak bones so white plain memorable experience. If you like, sheets of leaves can be colored according to taste. There are several types of dyes that you can try. The steps are as follows.1. When using screen printing paint, mix colors with white glue until completely mixed. Smeared on the sheet leaves (step gluing No.8).2. If using fabric dye (wantex), boiled after leaf cleaning. Allow to cool, wash, then dry.After coating with white glue, a sheet of plain and colored patterns can be directly made. However, for goods that are likely to often held, suggested re-coated with clear color spray paint cans for water resistance.Dried mango leaves collected in advance to be cleaned. Dried leaves are then boiled together with mixtures of chemicals to remove chlorophyll and substances that are not easily torn. After one to two hours of boiling, the leaves are aired and ironed. "Then the leaves are held together with wood glue in accordance with the pattern of products to generate.